Paul Stamets
Paul is legit the most important or influential mycologist probably on the planet 🌏 at present, author, & advocate for the study & use of mushrooms. Paul is like Our Mushroom 🍄🟫 Moses.
One Of The Psychedelic Alumni We Owe🙏🏽A Lot To…
The Light From Their Contribution’s Still Shines…
Here We Keep Their Eternal Flames 🔥 Alive.
Today… I introduce Paul Stamets
Paul was born on July 17, 1955, in Salem, Ohio. He grew up in a family that valued education & curiosity. His passion for fungi began at an early age. This early fascination set the stage for a lifelong journey into mycology, despite his initial pursuit of a degree in forestry. Paul loves & respects fungus & forest alike.
Early On
Paul went to Evergreen State College in Washington, where he studied mycology & gained hands-on experience in the field. His education was perfectly matched with his deep curiosity about the natural world & an insatiable drive to learn more about fungi. This led to his first book, "Psilocybe Mushrooms & Their Allies," published in 1978. This book laid the groundwork for his future contributions to mycology & established him as a credible voice in the field.
Paul is also known for his innovative work in mycoremediation, the use of fungi to decontaminate the environment. His research demonstrated that certain fungi can break down pollutants, including oil spills & industrial waste, into harmless compounds. This groundbreaking work has garnered significant attention & has potential in cleaning the environment with soil remediation.
“I spend a lot of time in the old growth forests, & in these forests are libraries of knowledge. Ancestrally it goes back not only millennia, but multi-dimensionally in ways that we can barely imagine.
The largest organism in the world is a fungus in Eastern Oregon. It is a honey mushroom called armillaria. It covers 2,200 acres. It’s a contiguous mycelial mat, & it’s only one cell wall thick. Think of that: The forests are being governed & controlled by these large fungal mats, & I think we should respect things that are larger than us, especially the largest organism in the world.“
Paul is also a passionate advocate for the preservation of & saving the Bees🐝 explaining how all these things play a part in Earth’s🌏biodiversity.
Despite his busy professional life, Paul values personal connections & has shared his love of fungi with his family. He often recounts stories of foraging for mushrooms with his children & the joy of introducing them to the wonders of the natural world.
His personal experiences have deeply influenced his work, reinforcing his belief in the interconnectedness of all life. Paul tells a heart warming story of how his initial experience with psilocybin fixed his severe stuttering predicament he was in for the first part of his life.
Paul explaining how psilocybin fixed His stuttering
Paul explaining why He believes that Psilocybin is a P⭕️RTAL to another Dimension
Paul Explaining How Mushrooms 🍄🟫 Saved His Mom’s Life
Paul Stamets' legacy is a world more informed about fungi & it’s universality through his relentless curiosity, innovation, child like spirit, & dedication to the study of fungi. His work has not only advanced the field of mycology but also highlighted the critical role fungi play in maintaining the health of our planet.
Through his books, research, advocacy, & entrepreneurship, Paul has inspired countless individuals; Myself included, to explore the fascinating world of fungi & consider their potential to create not only a more sustainable future, but a healthier Me/You.
Paul As An Author📚
Paul’s contributions to mycology are vast & varied, spanning from the practical to the visionary. He is the author of several influential books, including:
1. “Psilocybe Mushrooms & Their Allies,”(1978):
An authoritative guide on the identification & taxonomy of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. The book provides detailed descriptions, photographs, and ecological information on various species within the genus Psilocybe. It covers the habitats, distribution, & physical characteristics necessary for accurate identification.
2. "The Mushroom Cultivator"(1983):
Co-authored with J.S. Chilton, this book is foundational in the field of mushroom cultivation, providing detailed methods for growing mushrooms at home & commercially
3. "Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms"(1993):
This comprehensive guide explores the cultivation of various species of mushrooms, emphasizing their culinary & medicinal properties.
4. "Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World"(2005):
Probably his most well-known work, this book presents fungi as a solution to many of the world's environmental problems, advocating for the use of mycelium in bioremediation, sustainable agriculture, & more.
Paul’s Books 📚 Are Literally A Part Of The Curriculum📕 In Many College’s Mycology Courses
Beyond Paul’s academic & research contributions
Paul is also an entrepreneur, founding Fungi Perfecti. Through Fungi Perfecti, Paul has introduced numerous products, including cultivation equipment & “Host Defense” mushroom supplements(available in grocery stores, Etc.) making the benefits of fungi accessible to a broader audience.
Paul frequently speaks at conferences & public events, always championing the ecological importance of fungi & their potential to address a world full of challenges.
His TED Talk, "6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World," has been viewed millions of times, inspiring a new generation of mycologists & environmentalists.
Paul speaking about Terence McKenna’s Stoned Ape Hypothesis
Paul explaining How Mushrooms 🍄 Can Save The World
Paul Is The Most Profound Single Figure When It Comes To Fungal Knowledge.
He has even been a part of developing a mushroom that can help eat toxins. He Is Featured In The Documentary “Fantastic Fungi” which I absolutely recommend as something You watch (It’s on Netflix) It’s so interesting & heartwarming & the imagery is amazingly beautiful❗️
Paul’s life paints the profound picture of the impact fungi can have on Our world, from healing the environment to enhancing human health.
As a mycologist, entrepreneur, & advocate, Paul continues to inspire Us & educate Us, leaving Us with an unforgettable impact on science & the 🌏world.
Paul is just “A FunGuy(Fun-gi)” who loves Fungi & he has so many interesting things to share. If You’re into long form podcast/interviews, He’s been on Joe Rogan several times; beside Fantastic Fungi, that’s a really great way to get more familiar with Paul Stamets.
I hope You enjoyed being introduced to Paul, cause I love telling people about him…
Wanna Grow Your Own 🍄🟫’s❓
So Friends…
If You would like to grow Your own mushrooms… I invite You to Grow With Me.
Here are sources for the 3 things You need to grow…
• Equipment & materials to grow with
• Spores for the source of the mushrooms. Like if You’re growing a garden… You’ll have nothing if You don’t plant seeds… that’s the Spores
• Instruction so You know what to do
This is where I started & is the perfect one stop shop for all Your Mushroom 🍄🟫 Growing Equipment❗️
A recommendation from a friend at My local Psychedelic Club.
I have now “Grown” to recommending MGK to Others.
So much so that I just contacted them & I’m happy to say I got a referral code❗️
It’s an easy way to support My efforts by simply taking a step to grow Yourself a source of natural medicine.
Here Is My Affiliate Link🔗👇
Here is where I highly recommend going for Your Spores. No affiliate link🔗 (Not yet at least)… just a genuine suggestion from personal experience with many companies.
Here is Your link🔗 for that👇🏽
I have a growing guide I’ll be publishing soon.
However I can share this information with You now with this link to my Notion page where I compiled everything.
It’s Free❗️
It’s not all illustrated yet, but the info is there for You… Complete with a dictionary & more❗️
Here’s Your link🔗 for that here.(If the 🔗 is broken please let Me know & I’ll fix it.) 👇🏽
Please🙏🏽… If You find Value here, become a Free Subscriber Vs. Only Following. Also Please 🙏🏽 Consider supporting My work by becoming a Paid Monthly Subscriber Or You can Buy Me A Single Cup Of Coffee ☕️
Also please 🙏🏽 share this with as many like minded minds as possible.
Nicely done! I like how you add in the photos and video and practical tips and links for those wanting to grow their own mushrooms.
Thank You so much for Your appreciation of it all.
I’ll keep them coming