
One Of The Psychedelic Alumni We Owe🙏🏽A Lot To…

The Light From Their Contribution’s Still Shines…

Here We Keep Their Eternal Flames 🔥 Alive.

Albert Hofmann

A Swiss scientist & chemist who is best known for his discovery of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD).

He was born on January 11, 1906, in Switzerland & passed away on April 29, 2008.

🙏🏽 R.I.P. Brother

Albert Gave Us L.S.D. & We Celebrate This On April 19th With

“Bicycle 🚲 Day”

"Go to the meadows, go to the garden, go to the woods. Open your eyes!"

Albert Hofmann

Hofmann joined the pharmaceutical-chemical department of Sandoz Laboratories (now Novartis) in Basel, Switzerland, in 1929. In 1938, while researching the ergot fungus, he synthesized LSD for the first time. However, it was not until April 19, 1943, that he accidentally discovered the psychedelic effects of LSD.

I suddenly became strangely inebriated. The external world became changed as in a dream. Objects appeared to gain in relief; they assumed unusual dimensions; & colors became more glowing. Even self-perception & the sense of time were changed. When the eyes were closed, colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing kaleidoscope. After a few hours, the not unpleasant inebriation, which had been experienced while I was fully conscious, disappeared. what had caused this condition?”

Dr. Albert Hofmann, LSD: My Problem Child

While re-synthesizing the compound, Hofmann accidentally absorbed a small amount through his fingertips & experienced vivid effects & altered perception.

This day became known as "Bicycle Day" due to Hofmann's famous 🚲 bike ride on his “trip” home while experiencing the very 🥇1st Acid Trip.

"This possibility to change reality, which exists in everyone, represents the real freedom of every human individual. He has an enormous possibility to change his world view."

Albert Hofmann

Hofmann recognized the potential of LSD as a powerful tool for psychiatry & psychotherapy. He believed that the substance could provide valuable insights into the human mind & help treat various mental health conditions. Throughout his career, he conducted extensive research on LSD, its effects, & its potential therapeutic applications.

LSD gained popularity in the 1960s as part of the counterculture movement, & Hofmann's creation became associated with the psychedelic revolution. However, due to concerns about the drug's potential for misuse & the cultural & political climate of the time, LSD was eventually classified as a Schedule I substance in the United States in 1970.

Despite its classification, LSD continued to intrigue researchers, psychologists, & artists. Hofmann himself emphasized the importance of responsible & controlled use of LSD, highlighting its potential benefits in understanding consciousness & promoting personal growth.

Albert Hofmann's contributions to psychedelic research & his discovery of LSD have had a profound impact on science, medicine, & popular culture. He is considered a pioneer in the field of psychedelic substances & their potential therapeutic applications.

R.I.P. 1/11/1906 – 4/29/2008

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